Domain-Level Observation and Control for Compiled Executable DSLs

MODELS 2019 Foundations Track − Münich, Germany

Erwan Bousse

University of Nantes – LS2N, France

Manuel Wimmer

CDL-MINT, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria

Dynamic Analysis of Behavioral Models

  • Behavioral models (eg. state machines) can conveniently describe the behaviors of systems under design.

  • Domain-specific languages (DSLs) can be engineered and used to build such models.

  • Dynamic analyses of behavioral models are crucial in early design phases to see how a described behavior unfolds over time.

Require the possibility to execute models ⚙️!

intro 1

Dynamic Analysis of Behavioral Models

  • Behavioral models (eg. state machines) can conveniently describe the behaviors of systems under design.

  • Domain-specific languages (DSLs) can be engineered and used to build such models.

  • Dynamic analyses of behavioral models are crucial in early design phases to see how a described behavior unfolds over time.

Require the possibility to execute models ⚙️!

intro 2

Dynamic Analysis of Behavioral Models

  • Behavioral models (eg. state machines) can conveniently describe the behaviors of systems under design.

  • Domain-specific languages (DSLs) can be engineered and used to build such models.

  • Dynamic analyses of behavioral models are crucial in early design phases to see how a described behavior unfolds over time.

Require the possibility to execute models ⚙️!

intro 3

Dynamic Analysis of Behavioral Models

  • Behavioral models (eg. state machines) can conveniently describe the behaviors of systems under design.

  • Domain-specific languages (DSLs) can be engineered and used to build such models.

  • Dynamic analyses of behavioral models are crucial in early design phases to see how a described behavior unfolds over time.

Require the possibility to execute models ⚙️!

intro 4

Model execution with an interpreted DSL

interpreted dsl 1

Model execution with an interpreted DSL

interpreted dsl 2

Model execution with an interpreted DSL

interpreted dsl 3

Model execution with an interpreted DSL

interpreted dsl 4

Model execution with an interpreted DSL

interpreted dsl 5

Model execution with an interpreted DSL

interpreted dsl 6

Model execution with an interpreted DSL

interpreted dsl 7

Model execution with an interpreted DSL

interpreted dsl 8

Model execution with an interpreted DSL

interpreted dsl 9

Example of an Interpreted DSL

petrinet trace example 7 annotated 1

Example of an Interpreted DSL

petrinet trace example 7 annotated 2

Example of an Interpreted DSL

petrinet trace example 7 annotated 3

Example of an Interpreted DSL

petrinet trace example 7 annotated 4

Debugging/Tracing an interpreted model in the GEMOC Studio

petrinet debug


What about DSLs built with a compiler (eg. a code generator) instead of an interpreter?

Model execution with a compiled DSL

compiled dsl 1

Model execution with a compiled DSL

compiled dsl 2

Model execution with a compiled DSL

compiled dsl 3

Model execution with a compiled DSL

compiled dsl 4

Model execution with a compiled DSL

compiled dsl 5

Model execution with a compiled DSL

compiled dsl 6

Model execution with a compiled DSL

compiled dsl 7

Model execution with a compiled DSL

compiled dsl 8

Example of a compiled DSL (1)


Example of a compiled DSL (2)

activitydiagram model horizontal
Source activity diagram
pn compiled model horizontal
Target Petri net obtained after compilation

Problem (1)

compiled dsl 9

Problem (2)

ie. when debugging activity diagrams, we must use a petri nets debugger:

petrinet debug

The case of programming languages

  • Most general-purpose programming languages rely on efficient compilers for their semantics, either targeting some form of bytecode (eg. Java or Python) or machine code (eg. C or C++).

  • Most of these languages do provide an interactive debugger at the source domain level to step through the execution and observe the program state.

  • But these debuggers result from ad-hoc language engineering work! This does not give us a systematic recipe for engineering new DSLs.

How can we engineer compiled DSLs compatible with dynamic analyses at the source domain level, just as common general-purpose programming languages?


An architecture to support observation and control for compiled DSLs.

Approach Overview

overview 1

Approach Overview (1)

overview 2

Approach Overview (2)

overview 3

Step (b)− Source model state definition

  • Observing the execution of a model requires accessing its state as it changes (tokens, variables, activated elements, etc.).

  • For interpreted DSLs, possible states are defined by a model state definition which extends the abstract syntax of the DSL with new dynamic properties and metaclasses (eg. tokens for the Petri nets DSL).

  • But for compiled DSLs, everything related to execution is delegated to the target language, including the state definition.

  • Hence, necessary to extend a compiled DSL with a model state definition, to define explicitly the possible states of conforming source models.

Example of model state definition for the AD DSL

  • When executing a UML activity diagram, tokens flow through both nodes and edges of the model.

  • We add a TokensHolder metaclass to reflect that:

activitydiagram exemm

Approach Overview (2)

overview 3

Approach Overview (3)

overview 4

Step (c) − Source execution steps definition

  • Observing and controlling require knowing the execution steps of the model execution, ie. what are the observable changes made to the state.

  • For interpreted DSLs, specific interpretation rules can be tagged as producers of execution steps (eg. the fire step for Petri nets).

  • For compiled DSLs, we propose a trivial step definition metamodel to declare possible execution steps.

step mm simpler

Example of execution steps definition for the AD DSL

  • In UML activity diagrams, a node will take tokens from incoming edges, and offer tokens on its outgoing edges when it finishes its task.

  • We define the following execution steps to reflect that:

    • offer(Node): offering of tokens of a Node to the outgoing edges of the Node ;

    • take(Node): taking of tokens by a Node from the incoming edges of the Node ;

    • executeNode(Node): taking and offering of tokens by a Node , i.e., a composite step containing both an offer step and a take step;

    • executeActivity(Activity): execution of the Activity until no tokens can be offered or taken, i.e., a composite step containing executeNode steps.

Approach Overview (3)

overview 4

Approach Overview (4)

overview 5

Step (d) − Feedback manager definition

  • Now remains the translation at runtime of states and steps of the target model back to the source model, to be observed by dynamic analysis tools.

  • Our approach: definition of a feedback manager attached to the execution, which performs said translation on the fly during the model execution.

  • Proposed interface for feedback managers:

    • feedbackState: Update the source model state based on the set of changes applied on the target model state in the last target execution step.

    • processTargetStepStart: Translate a target starting step into source steps.

    • processTargetStepEnd: Translate a target ending step into source steps.

Example of execution reconstructed by a feedback manager

bisimulation petri flip 0
Target Petri net execution trace (invisible to users and tools)
bisimulation ad 0
Source activity diagram execution trace (seen by users and tools)

Example of execution reconstructed by a feedback manager

bisimulation petri flip 1
Target Petri net execution trace (invisible to users and tools)
bisimulation ad 0
Source activity diagram execution trace (seen by users and tools)

Example of execution reconstructed by a feedback manager

bisimulation petri flip 1
Target Petri net execution trace (invisible to users and tools)
bisimulation ad 1
Source activity diagram execution trace (seen by users and tools)

Example of execution reconstructed by a feedback manager

bisimulation petri flip 2
Target Petri net execution trace (invisible to users and tools)
bisimulation ad 1
Source activity diagram execution trace (seen by users and tools)

Example of execution reconstructed by a feedback manager

bisimulation petri flip 2
Target Petri net execution trace (invisible to users and tools)
bisimulation ad 2
Source activity diagram execution trace (seen by users and tools)

Example of execution reconstructed by a feedback manager

bisimulation petri flip 3
Target Petri net execution trace (invisible to users and tools)
bisimulation ad 2
Source activity diagram execution trace (seen by users and tools)

Example of execution reconstructed by a feedback manager

bisimulation petri flip 3
Target Petri net execution trace (invisible to users and tools)
bisimulation ad 3
Source activity diagram execution trace (seen by users and tools)

Example of execution reconstructed by a feedback manager

bisimulation petri flip 3
Target Petri net execution trace (invisible to users and tools)
bisimulation ad 4
Source activity diagram execution trace (seen by users and tools)

Example of execution reconstructed by a feedback manager

bisimulation petri flip 4
Target Petri net execution trace (invisible to users and tools)
bisimulation ad 4
Source activity diagram execution trace (seen by users and tools)

Example of execution reconstructed by a feedback manager

bisimulation petri flip 4
Target Petri net execution trace (invisible to users and tools)
bisimulation ad 5
Source activity diagram execution trace (seen by users and tools)

Example of execution reconstructed by a feedback manager

bisimulation petri flip 4
Target Petri net execution trace (invisible to users and tools)
bisimulation ad 6
Source activity diagram execution trace (seen by users and tools)

Example of execution reconstructed by a feedback manager

bisimulation petri flip 5
Target Petri net execution trace (invisible to users and tools)
bisimulation ad 7
Source activity diagram execution trace (seen by users and tools)

Approach Overview (4)

overview 5

Approach Overview (5)

overview 6


Can we observe and control compiled models?

In reasonable time?


  • Common parts (eg. glue code, APIs, integration layer) of the approach implemented for the GEMOC Studio, an Eclipse-based language workbench.

  • The source code (Eclipse plugins written in Xtend and Java) is available on Github:


As he GEMOC Studio originally focused on interpreted DSLs, this is the first attempt to support compiled DSLs in the GEMOC Studio.

Evaluation: RQs


Given an interpreted DSL and a compiled DSL with trace-equivalent semantics, does the approach make it possible to observe the same traces with both DSLs?


Does the approach enable the use of runtime services at the domain-level of compiled DSLs?


What is the time overhead when executing compiled models with feedback management?

Evaluation: Setup

Considered DSLs − 2 UML-based languages
  • a subset of fUML activity diagrams, using Petri nets as a target language,

  • a subset of UML state machines using a subset of Java as a target language.

Each DSL implemented twice: one interpreted variant and one compiled variant.

Considered Runtime Services − 2 tools from our previous work
  • a trace constructor (ECMFA 2015, SoSym 2017)

  • an omniscient debugger (SLE 2015, JSS 2018)

Considered Models − random generation
  • 100 fUML activity diagrams in 10 groups ranging from 10 to 100 nodes,

  • 30 UML state machines from 10 to 100 states, and 3 scenarios per state machine.

Evaluation: Results

RQ#1: same traces between interpreted and compiled variants?
  • all 130 generated models executed with the interpreted and the compiled variants of both executable DSLs

  • no difference found found when comparing traces

RQ#2: working runtime services?
  • both runtime services (trace constructor and omniscient debugger) work as expected at the domain-level

RQ#3: execution time overhead when using the feedback manager?
  • fUML activity diagrams → Petri nets: 1,6 times slower on average

  • UML State Machines → MiniJava: 1,01 times slower on average



  • Observing and controlling the execution of compiled models is difficult, and there is a lack of systematic approach to design compiled DSLs with that goal in mind.

  • Our proposal: a generic language engineering architecture to define explicit feedback management in compiled DSLs

Perspectives (excerpt)

  • handling compilers defined as code generators;

  • provide an easier way to define feedback managers;

  • managing stimuli sent to the source model during the execution;

  • measuring the amount of effort required to define a feedback manager as compared to defining an interpreter.

Thank you!

Twitter: @erwan_bousse